Monday, November 16, 2009
"My Stupid Mouth" story by Anna, song by John Mayer
"That's right," I tell her. I should've just stopped there but then I decided this might be a good teaching moment so then I say, "You know Maggie that's going to happen to all of us." Maggie gets this look of horror on her face and says, "But I don't want those guys to put me up on a cross and make me get dead."
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Daynan had a Halloween parade at his school and as part of the pre-game show there was this guy dressed up as the grim reaper. My kids couldn't quite decide if he was mostly cool and a little bit creapy or mostly creapy and a little bit cool. What do you think?

Rob's parents came down and we took them to the Scarecrow Festival. It was really, really fun. Here are some pictures of the festivities.

Rob, Britt, Maggie, Daynan, JC, Bronson and Brooke
Brooke, Bronson, and Grandma McNeel

Grandma McNeel and Brooke

Bronson's Cheesy Smile

Maggie getting a unicorn painted on her face. Apparently only certain people can do unicorns because Maggie had to wait for this girl to be available.

Maggie, Austin, and Dayan.
**Side note: it drives me crazy when you pay to get into something (like the scarecrow festival which was NOT cheap) and then they charge you to do things once you get in. Like, for example, the face painting. It was like $4 per face!! Then they had these race cars that looked way fun but were they included in the entrace fee. . . no! And how about the bottle rockets. Nope, they weren't included in the entrace fee either. Seriously! I think if you are going to charge people to get in then everything should be free (except maybe the food) once you're in. Drives me crazy!! 30 minutes after Daynan got his face painted he asked for a wet wipe to wash it all off. Well, at least I got some good pictures to remember that $4.00 face with. **

There was some confusion about Brooke and Bronson's costumes. No, they are not Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog (although that is a fabulous idea). Brooke is a pink poodle and Bronson is a turtle. Emma, Katie's baby girl, is a Lady Bug and Brandon, Ellen's son, is a Doctor.

I decided it was high time Rob and I dressed up for Halloween. So this year I dressed up as Cleopatra and Rob is Caesar. Thanks for being a good sport, Rob. Love you !!