Well the other day Rob brought home a box of peaches and they were super yummy, but we just couldn't eat them fast enough and they were starting to go bad. We didn't want to waste them so Rob and I tried to think of what we could do with them. The obvious thing to do would be to can them but seeing as I don't know how to do that, that option was out. Then I remembered my sister-in-law made some peach jam last year and it was delish. I had made strawberry jam before and it really wasn't that bad so I suggested it to Rob and he thought it was a great idea. I told him my only concern was with the amount of peaches we had left we would get a lot of jam. He didn't believe me. Oh well, I thought, if we're going to make jam, let's REALLY make jam.
Ran to the store and got everything we needed . . . I thought.
Ya I had no idea how to do this so I called my trusted cooking advisors for help. Evidently I must be a real slow learner because it took explanations from my Aunt Teresa, my mother and me reading a selection out the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook before I felt like I knew enough to try it out. So embarrassing!
Everyone at my house was either sleeping or happy when we started this step. Even Rob was helping happily!

The second problem was my kids went from happy to this:

Poor Kids. It's so hard to not have all of mommy's attention :(
Well to make a long story short, after cleaning up many mommy is busy so look what I can get into messes, saying "no . . .No . . .NNNOOO" to children making those messes more times than I care to admit, and trying to keep everyone calm by ensuring them Mommy and Daddy will be done soon . . . we were finally done. And what did we have to show for our 7 hours of hard jamming labor? 49 jars of luscious peach jam.

After we were all done with the jam I asked Rob if he could now see why I don't dothis very often. He said yes. But he still thinks I should learn how to can.
Maggie looks pleased with the end result despite the neglect. I stick to canning salsa and freezer jam and it definitely is a process but you get the routine down after a little trial and error. I think you did a great job tackling your first big canning. Now you should be set on jam for a while. I did can peaches a few years ago but they never got eaten so I decided that was a waste but it wasn't too difficult if I remember right, but I prefer the jam myself.
ReplyDeleteThat is HILARIOUS! Dude, 49 jars of jam is INSANE. Think of it this way...Your Christmas neighbor gifts are DONE! Love ya!