Thursday, October 8, 2009

Conference Weekend Fun and Not So Much Fun

Rob and I decided to go to Star Valley to visit his family over conference weekend. Rob's parents have a gas fireplace (they call it a stove) in their living room that they use to heat the house. Over the years they've purchased little space heaters to use instead of the stove because they're so worried about the grandkids getting burned on it. Well, conference was about to start and so Pat (Rob's mom), Brittney (Rob's sister), and I were trying to get the kitchen and living room clean so we could relax and watch conference. The next thing we know Bronson just starts screaming. I turned around and saw that the stove was on and instantly knew what happenned. His little hands got burned :( I grabbed him and put his hands under cold water while Pat filled a bowl up with ice water. Then I sat down and Pat and I held his little hands in the ice water on-and-off for about an hour. Meanwhile we called Aunt DeAnn who is a nurse at the hospital and told her what happened. She ran and got us a good burn ointment and helped us bandage him up. Poor little man. Once we got the burn ointment on, you wouldn't even know he got hurt. He was happy as ever! We all thought he would take the bandages and the socks off his hands, but he didn't. What a good boy!

At first sister was very concerned, but then she decided brother was going to be okay.

Once we got home, Bronson decided he was done wearing the bandages, but he still had big blisters. Owey . . . but the kids is still smiling.

The Wyoming cousins: Austin, Daynan, Jordan, Alyssa, Peyton, and Maggie


  1. Poor thing! I'm glad he wasn't hurt too bad and that it hasn't slowed him down too much.

  2. So sad. The blister is HUGE. That top pic of him laughing totally looks like Daynan!

  3. Looks like Halloween was so fun at your house this year! It was so fun to see your sisters on your blog, they are so grown up and married! So fun!
