Bronson has this fascination with sticking things in his nose and ears. So far he's put, among other things, licorice, a kernel of corn, marshmallows (maybe he's confusing these with ear plugs??), and popcorn up one or both edifices. We caught him the other day trying to stick a penny up his nose. Luckily it was too big for his tiny little nostril.
On Sunday Rob was making PB&J sandwiches for church. Yes, I take a sandwich to church for my twins because snacks just don't cut it and actually a sandwich is much, much, much less messy. Anyway, Rob must've let Bronson help because Bronson discovered a piece of peanut butter in his ear during sacrament meeting. He pulled it out, looked at it, and flicked it onto the head of the guy sitting behind us. Nice.