Monday, February 1, 2010

Peanut Butter Ammo

Bronson has this fascination with sticking things in his nose and ears. So far he's put, among other things, licorice, a kernel of corn, marshmallows (maybe he's confusing these with ear plugs??), and popcorn up one or both edifices. We caught him the other day trying to stick a penny up his nose. Luckily it was too big for his tiny little nostril.

On Sunday Rob was making PB&J sandwiches for church. Yes, I take a sandwich to church for my twins because snacks just don't cut it and actually a sandwich is much, much, much less messy. Anyway, Rob must've let Bronson help because Bronson discovered a piece of peanut butter in his ear during sacrament meeting. He pulled it out, looked at it, and flicked it onto the head of the guy sitting behind us. Nice.


  1. SO did you tell this guy that he had peanut butter in his hair? Thats too funny. Bronson is so cute!

  2. I'm not quite sure what happenned after the pb was used as ammo. All I know is there was at least two rows of people who weren't paying much attention to the speakers :)

  3. That's awesome! Bronson should have saved the ear PB for a snack for later.

  4. That is pretty funny. It's great to see what you have been up to.
